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Old April 14th 04, 08:40 AM
Gary hildebrand
Posts: n/a

randy wrote in message . ..
I'm looking for a source of new latching relays.

Coil needs to be 12 to 24 volt and contacts of 10 amps at 120 volts

The catch is I don't want any dual coil type relays. I have an
application in which I want a contact closure on the coil to turn the
relay on and another closure will turn it off again.

I would even be receptive to a solid-state module that would give me
the pulse on / pluse off action that I could use to control a relay.



All latching relays have a dual coil setup, with a mechanical latching
arrangement on the armature.

If you want just one coil, you need a simple flip/flop driving a
transistor whose collector load is the relay coil. Lots of example
circuits in the Handbook of Electronic Circuits Vols 1-7.

Gary Hildebrand WA7KKP