Hi Folks
I discovered PSK31 just before the sunspots faded out. I bought an interface
and worked QRP on 14.070MHz. Had a really good time too, its a fantastic
mode, especially for QRP and those who cant fit yagis into the homestead
(like me).
But a quick question to those more familiar with data modes.
If I connect the interface to my desktop computer, it receives well, but I
cant get clear transmit. It sends full scale white noise no matter how I
adjust the mic gain or audio levels. If I connect up the laptop, same TX
noise problem .... until I unplug the mains charger and run on batteries.
Then its perfect.
My laptop batteries last about 2 hours there days, so I'm limited to 2 hour
long operation until I sort the problem or get a higher capacity battery.
Any thoughts what's causing it?
FISTS #9666
CW Ops QRP Club #753
Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group