Licensee Numbers Over Nine Months
Mike Coslo wrote:
Steve Bonine wrote:
In my area in the past two months, we have picked up dozens of new
amateurs who are in their late teens/early 20's. That is a surge,
normally we pick up a few per month. But we have no problems with
expecting plenety of QCWA members 25 years from now.
We have been getting some oldsters too. The amount they spend per
capita is shocking at times, and their enthusiasm and willingness to
get involved is a great help.
Respectully, I'm not really sure that another opinion on this subject is
being unrealistic though.
Nope. I concede that my opinion is based on anecdotal information based
on what *I* see. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or not doing
something right, but I'm sure not seeing the same influx that you are,
here in my area.
We have been doing a 2 percent increase in the local ham population (not
counting that recent surge) when newcomers/attrition is factored in.
Club membership is up over 10 percent. (2006-07 stats)
I'm glad to hear it. Really.
I know that a lot of Hams are pessimistic about the future. We even have
a few club members who figure that the service will die out in a few
years, and have all kinds of reasons for that. A number of us decided
that we were going to prove them wrong, and at least for the moment we
are doing just that. We instituted a no wheedling and whining policy, a
welcoming attitude toward the new guys and gals, gentle encouragement to
upgrade, lots of social events - every other Saturday breakfasts,
Wednesday evening very informal dinners, every other Saturday club shack
get togethers, 4 big socials during the year. Contesting, trips to Ham
radio stores. Only problem is some of the XYL's are starting to complain
that their OM's need to spend a bit of time at home too. And we're all
having a blast.
That's good, and I wish I could emulate your methods and get your
results. But I think that the key words in the above paragraph are "a
number of us". Maybe I can find some enthusiasm in the local area, but
so far I've had little luck doing so. Perhaps the difference is urban
area versus rural area.