On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 19:05:50 EST, "Howard Lester"
Depends on the power level used by the Analyzer. It may be operated
as a Part 15 device - no license, no ID - if it meets those
Is the power limit under Part 15 still 100 mw?
Howard N7SO (too lazy to look it up)
You didn't miss anything by not trying to look it up. The Commish' in
its infinite wisdom made the Part 15 "intentional radiator" and
"incidental radiator" requirements very complicated several years ago,
with no real thought given to analog laboratory measuring equipment
such as TDRs, signal generators, and Antenna Analyzers.
The old "100 mw input" limits apply only to certain types of devices,
and in general "intentional radiators" have to be certified for
compliance with specified antenna arrangements.
Stuff like that keeps private-sector "FCC Certification Test
Facilities" in business.
73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
From a Clearing in the Silicon Forest
Beaverton (Washington County) Oregon
e-mail: k2asp [at] arrl [dot] net