Driving Distracted
On 11/08/09 14:13, Steve Bonine wrote:
Jeff Davis wrote:
He was operating CW with a key strapped to his thigh -- while driving
to work.
I like ham radio, and I like that guy ... but I don't want him
operating a moving vehicle anywhere within a hundred miles of me or my
family... even when all else fails...
You have captured the essence of my feelings in two sentences.
There is a body of reliable data that indicates that distraction during
driving causes accidents, no matter what is causing the distraction. It
is obvious that operating a ham radio causes distraction. You can argue
that the amount of distraction depends on what you're doing, or that
similar distraction is caused in other services like public safety or
land mobile, but the fact remains that operating a ham radio while
driving increases the probability that you'll have an accident.
Does it increase the probability enough to lump it in with cell phone
use and discourage the behavior by passing laws? I think that it does; I
recognize that there are dissenting opinions.
But for the ARRL to defend the right of hams to distract themselves
based on emergency communication is not logical. If they want to make
the case that operating a ham radio is sufficiently different than using
a cell phone that such laws should not apply, I still wouldn't agree but
at least the premise would be logical.
I have seen several close calls related to people chattering away on
cell phones while driving. I am convinced that the issue of distracted
drivers having accidents is real, and I support laws that prohibit that
behavior because I believe it to be dangerous both to the person who is
doing it and to me. I don't buy that operating a ham radio is
sufficiently less distracting that it should be exempted.
73, Steve KB9X
If you want distraction, try driving a double deck bus at school
chucking out time. I guarantee that 70+ screaming kids is *far* more
distracting than *any* phone call or radio conversation..!!
73 Ivor G6URP