In Beachbum
At the risk of exposing my newbness...
I am considering a tech license and note references to "permission"
levels for various bands, as well as indications of certain operating
modes for particular freqs/bands (I have not bought a manual yet,
still trying to determine what level of total investment will be
necessary for my desired use). Based on admittedly cursory review
thusfar, it appears voice comms have limited availability for a tech
ticket. IF that is the case, my primary interest is in emergency voice
comms during regional events...will I need to upgrade to a general
license for effective use?
Take a look at the chart at
which will show you what modes the classes of licensees can use on the
various bands.
I think you'll find that a Technician class license will give you full
permission on all bands 50MHz and up, which is where is where you'll
find almost all local event communications taking place.
Bert Hyman W0RSB St. Paul, MN