Jeffrey D Angus writes:
I was reading the Feb 2010 copy of QST at dinner this evening.
And right there in the "Up Front" section was a wonderful
article about "How I defied the CCR I signed when I bought my
condo and put up an antenna in contradiction to the rules I
agreed to."
Do we all have to act like having an FCC grant (license)
somehow makes us above the law?
Sooner or later, the homeowner associations are going to
catch on about bird houses, flag poles and the like and
just simply write into the rules, "No transmitting or
receiving equipment."
And we'll have brought it on ourselves by constantly showing
our inability to follow the rules.
Well, if they did that, everyone would have to throw out their
microwave, router, cell phone, radios, garage door opener, car remote,
tv and computer, which, I doubt they would be willing to do!
“Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.”
Frank Leahy, Head coach, Notre Dame 1941-1954