On Thu, 1 Apr 2010 20:41:54 EDT, notbob wrote:
I'm a retired geezer studying for my technical license. I fully
intend to learn morse code and not at a mere 5wpm. I figure one is
not truly a ham until one can cw, so I'm hot on it, listening to the
Koch method to learn code. I'm also looking for a GOOD straight key.
I want to invest in quality, but am not wealthy. I was gonna buy a
Vibroplex Know Code key, but the reviews are less than heartening.
So, I talked to Al at Milestone Technologies and he said something that
kinda set me back on my heels. He claimed a straight key is not much
good for anything over 15 wpm. Yikes!
Am I unnecessarily knocking myself out trying to learn code at Just
Learn Code's default 20wpm? Dropping down to 15wpm sure would speed
up the learning curve. If I want to eventually make 20wpm and faster,
would I be better off with a less expensive straight key in the
beginning and later investing the money in a quality bug? I want
to go bug before paddles and keyers. I guess the bottom line is, do I
want to graduate to a bug as soon as possible and maybe lower my
initial goals for a straight key. IOW, just get on the air? 
Any advice is appreciated.
After reading all the replies on this thread, I'm tempted to ask:
"Don't you people know that CW is dead?"
While you prepare your answers, I'm off to work the low end of 40.