Straight key speed
Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names wrote:
After reading all the replies on this thread, I'm tempted to ask:
"Don't you people know that CW is dead?"
While you prepare your answers, I'm off to work the low end of 40.
I am a retired Police Dispatcher.. One day one of my dispatchees had a
radio problem (Bad Mic cable) and could not talk to me.
Since we were both licensed hams, and both knew it. We managed to get
the necessary traffic passed and his rig scheduled for a very quick
visit with the Radio Shop.. No problem.
So, CW may be dead... But the number of carriers I find on the band
suggests... NOT.
Though I do admit I now know why folks were saying "GOD IS DEAD" some
years ago... But that is a topic for a different NG.
(NOTE: This statement does not comment on anything other than my
knowledge of that subject.. It is thus, NOT open for discussion)