Field Day 2010?
On May 7, 12:21 am, N2EY wrote:
Anybody else planning to go out on FD this year?
We're going to do a fair sized effort again under W3YA.
It will be high power, probably 3 stations. I have to confess though,
I would really like to get back to a low power setup. By the time we
put up and take down 3 portable towers, a couple beams - especially
the 40 meter, and the wire antennas for the lower bands, we are pretty
beat up Sunday afternoon.
Best field day I ever had was with a low power effort, two stations,
two OCF dipoles, and some quick setup shelters. We got as many points
as the high power efforts, and it only took a half hour to tear down,
vs 4 for the big gun setup. I'm going to have to try to talk them into
that next year.
- 73 de Mike N3LI -