Bryant, Larry, Arth, did you feel it?
J R wrote:
I went to the Dangerous Walmart store today.While I was wainting at the
checkout counter I looked in a Rand McNally road atlas, it showed
doggy's couch is 980 miles from Stinkin Nasty Filthy Commie Marxist
Jihad District of Crimminals.
F..K D.C.!!!!!!!!!
Only communists read books in the store without paying for them. Why
should the publisher give you their work for free? You also probably eat
the food in the gourmet section while nobody's looking.
And, as always, don't leave your children unattended anywhere in
Holland, Michigan. Many, many undesirable backwater types live there.
They have at least one dufus who once claimed to have been the Supreme
Commander of a gay paramilitary militia and fantasized about 'blowing
away' Canada, and who knows, there may be many more dufi there.