On Sep 16, 5:17Â*am, dave wrote:
- - On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 17:26:40 -0700, N∅ M∅ ∅baMa∅ wrote:
- -
- Don't tell Halliburton; they lose half a
- billion in the sofa cushions.
dave,,, Dave... DAVE ! ! !
Ah the Truth About Haliburton Corp and
Brown & Root {aka 'Burn & Loot'}and Lady
Bird Johnson [and a lot of Rich Democrats]
who received NO-Bit Contracts for the Vietnam
War; and made Millions as War Profiteers.
Truth is that both major US Political Parties
are Part of Crony {Corporate} Capitalism :
Both the Husbands of the California Liberal
Democrat US Senators Dianne Feinstein and
Barbara Boxer received NO-Bit Contracts for
the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; and made
Millions as War Profiteers.
Plus ex-Speaker of the US House Nancy Pelosi's
Family also received NO-Bit Contracts for the
Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; and made Millions
as War Profiteers.
Well at least Barbara Lee [D-CA] did not Vote
for these Bush/Obama Wars for Oil; and did not
arrange for her Family Members to get NO-Bit
Contracts for the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan;
so they did NOT made Millions as War Profiteers.
Like him or not at least anti-military {anti-war}
former us representative Ron Dellums [D-CA] was
NOT a Vietnam War Profiteer.