Al Gore - BBC
dave wrote:
On Mon, 19 Sep 2011 04:59:56 -0700, Hatfield wrote:
Every nation that spends trillions to go carbon neutral will not be
competitive on the world market. Therefore those nations economies will
flounder and those nations will not have the monies to build large
armies. Other countries will never respect them and their people will
grow poorer and live in fear. Nations like China that do not give a
royal fig about global warming will dominate more and more. Militarily
and financially.
Any nation with Predator drones and nuclear attack subs is already on top
militarily. We can kill everyone in your house, or everyone in your
capitol city.
The key phrase is "world market". We cannot compete on the "world market"
because we don't pollute and we don't work people 'til they drop dead.
Either the "world market" goes or Norman Rockwell's America goes. The two
cannot co-exist.
Dave, take 5 times your usual meds and you can go too.
Hit the trail, 'tard.