Remote antenna/tuner recommendations
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December 9th 03, 02:23 PM
Andy Cowley
Posts: n/a
I plan to put up an 80m dipole fed with open wire feeder for multiband
operation. It is down the other end of the house from the shack (50
feet away), so am thinking of mounting a remote tuner under the eaves
near the antenna and coax from there back to the shack.
Anyone tried this combo or similar? Would appreciate
recommendations/hints etc.
Damien VK3RX
The obvious anti-spam measure; replace mycall_above with my callsign
I've used a 102' centre fed wire with 28' home brew 600 ohm ladder to an
SGC 230. 230 is floated by coiled coax (and control lines) 11 turns about
12" diameter plus a couple of clip on ferrites forming a choke balun.
Tunes all bands 160-10. I think you'd be better of with 102' or 135' rather
than a resonant 80 m aerial as these are easier to match on some of the other
bands. An 80 m dipole is not easy to drive on 40 for instance. To get all
bands you obviously have to compromise and those lengths give an easier
match on all bands but don't have a perfect match on any.
My aerial is fairly low 30' - 45' and I don't seem to suffer too badly
from a 'lobey' pattern on the higher bands.
You might take a look at
Which describes a similar setup in more detail.
vy 73
Andy, M1EBV
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