Wanted: Vintage Tektronix Test Equipment
I wish you lived a little closer, Chris. I have a Tek 546 scope
(50MHz) with the original cart, original manual, and a 1A1 and
a couple of 1A2 plugins. BTW the scope had developed HV problems
and would lose the trace within about a minute after turnon.
I understand that was a fairly simple problem to fix, however.
I also have original manuals for the plugins.
73, David K3KY
On 08/26/2011 01:57 PM, Chris wrote:
Hello Everyone,
I'm on the hunt for some vintage Tektronix test equipment (400-series
and 500-series oscilloscopes, calibration equipment, etc.) Ideally,
I'm looking for vacuum-tube and discrete-transistor based gear (prior
to their newer IC-based stuff.)
I live in the Surrey, British Columbia (Canada) area and am willing to
travel up to 300km. I don't have a lot of money to spend on this
stuff,as it's a hobby, but will be more than happy to pay a fair
price / fair market value.
I'm also interested in old vacuum-tube based HP frequency counters.
Thanks for your time -