Wanted: Vintage Tektronix Test Equipment
Clutter wrote:
I wish you lived a little closer, Chris. I have a Tek 546 scope
(50MHz) with the original cart, original manual, and a 1A1 and
a couple of 1A2 plugins. BTW the scope had developed HV problems
and would lose the trace within about a minute after turnon.
I understand that was a fairly simple problem to fix, however.
I also have original manuals for the plugins.
Most HV problems on those scopes can be solved by scrubbing the thing out
with soap and water and letting it dry thoroughly.
Occasionally you'll see HV rectifier problems and bad ceramic caps, but
leakage from built-up dirt is the number one problem.
Our local surplus dealer in Tidewater, VA just pulls the tubes out of
those things and dumpsters them; he says they aren't worth the money
to drag them out to hamfests and nobody wants them any more.
I actually have a 545 on my bench at work, although the cal guys hate me
and they keep trying to replace it with an Agilent DSO. It just runs
and runs, and it's easier to cal than they claim.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."