Power supply noise reduction techniques.
I'm looking for advice on the reduction of noise in my radio audio
that is coming from the charge controller for the battery that they
run on. My power supply is arranged in the following sequence;
Receptacle outlet (power point), Astron RS-50A linear regulated power
supply, Xantrex C35 Charge controller, 150 AH Absorbed Glass Mat
Battery, Rigrunner Model 4008 power strip, Radios and other loads from
there. First let me assure everyone that I have exonerated the other
loads by disconnecting them from the Rig Runner. Second I have
exonerated the Astron RS-50A by substituting an RS-35M with no
change. I know that these Xantrex charge controllers use a form of
pulse modulation to forestall sulphation of the battery plates and the
attendant loss of capacity. I do not know if that is the source of
the noise that other operators have told me is occurring on my audio.
What does clear up the noise is turning the power supply off and
running directly off of the battery. I could pull the charge
controller out of the circuit in order to differentiate between noise
from the power supply and noise from the charge controller but I would
like to continue to use the Charge Controller and filter the noise at
the input of the Rigrunner. That way the noise, in the form of the
anti sulphation pulses, would make it to the battery but not to the
Does this seem like a practical approach and how would I go about it
and still allow the anti sulphation pulses to reach the battery.
Tom Horne, W3TDH