zindazenda wrote:
no..on investugation this looks well abit crap..i cant see how it is going
to work with 100 sm 0805 components..
so anyother ideas..
can one buy flow soldering equipment s/h???
From necessity I did this with well over 500 parts on two assemblies for
radios that were prototypes. The people that had tried to do the assembly
with the approved methods had set the solder paste on the pads, placed the
parts in postion, both steps done by hand and then washed the boards
before they vapor phased the boards. This department then went ahead and
cleaned the filters out of the washing equipment, repasted the boards and
just put the parts where they fit.
I got two blank boards and all the parts sorted out into envelopes in tote
pans with clean prints of the parts list and a component layout with the
task set to get it done in a certain amount of time.
Monday through Saturday I worked 16 hour days and then on Sunday I took it
easy and worked 12 hours.
In addition to the surface mount parts I also had about the same number of
leaded parts on each board.
When I was done I was told that there were a total of 5 errors between the
two boards. It took about 2 to 3 weeks to accomplish this and several sets
of batteries for headset radio.
There were times I would place parts on the bench in front of me, put the
envelope back into the tote pan and could not see the parts. I would find
them after blinking several times, place them and then get up to take a
walk through the area to get things loosened up and relaxed a little bit.
This method I described is indeed a possible method. It has been done by
others than myself and sometimes it is the most expedient method to
accomplish the task.
The smallest parts available would make this method a challenge but it would
still be something that could be done with some time and paitence.
Good luck on your project and I wish you the best Sir.