wrote in message ...
2. Solder paste doesn't keep (seems to have about the same time
as Horowitz & Hill's wet fish)
Solder paste must be kept refrigerated to maximize its shelf life. (read
manufacturer's storage and handling instructions CAREFULLY, both for
storage for product longevity and for safety reasons)
I sure hope "solder paste" is NOT the same thing as "soldering paste
or else my shoe-polish-size can of "Kester Soldering Paste Flux" (with a
hole in the lid through which I occasionally poke a soldering pencil)
that's been sitting on my workbench for at least the last 25 years hasn't
heard about those storage and handling instructions!
No, Myron ... solder paste is a suspension of micro-spheres of solder in a
flux that makes a paste that is used for reflow soldering of SMT parts.
Carl - wk3c