Just a reminder that the Iowa State ARRL Convention and 34th Annual
Hamboree is this Saturday, October 22, from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, in
Sergeant Bluff, Iowa. The 3900 Club and the Siouxland Amateur Radio
Association are sponsoring this event at the Sergeant Bluff Community
Center, 903 Topaz Drive.
ARRL Chief Operating Officer, Harold Kramer, WJ1B will be the featured
speaker. Midwest Division Director Cliff Ahrens K0CA, and Vice Director
Rod Blocksome K0DAS will attend and give updates on the latest ARRL
news. Interesting forums will include:
Joe Eisenberg K0NEB - "The Dayton Experience"
Darrel Swenson K0AWB - “QRP”
ARRL Chief Operating Officer Harold Kramer WJ1B - “Inside ARRL HQ”
Midwest Division Director Cliff Ahrens K0CA and Vice Director Rod
Blocksome K0DAS - “ARRL Updates - Digital QST, Spectrum Defense, and
Q&A” (Door Prizes!)
Rod Blocksome - "A Suitcase DX-pedition to Christmas Island"
There will be a large flea market arena, with commercial and individual
vendors, VE testing, quality forums, DXCC card checking, door prizes,
and the Siouxland area’s Starcomm Mobile emergency communications
bus. Details at:
Hope to see you in Sergeant Bluff this Saturday!
73, Cliff K0CA
ARRL Midwest Division
Director: Cliff Ahrens, K0CA