770 KUOM (And High-Noon MW Skywave)
On Oct 24, 11:49*pm, "Brenda Ann"
"DEFCON 88" *wrote in message
OK, the fadeout probably means skywave. Rare conditions can give mid-
day MW
skywave DX. In fact, I had a vague memory of a great high-noon MW
opening to the northwest. I dusted off my old logs and sure enough, on
January 25 1994 I heard these stations right around noon:
1112 EST - KDAL 610 - Duluth, MN - 5 kw
1139 EST - WKKQ 650 - Nashwauk, MN - 10 kw
1200 EST - CJOB 680 - Winnipeg, MB - 50 kw
1216 EST - WDSM 710 - Superior, WI - 10 kw
1248 EST - WMEQ 880 - Menomonie, WI - 10 kw
Winnipeg (CJOB) is about 1,000 miles away from me. Hearing 1,000 miles
to the
northwest via skywave at high noon on medium wave blew my mind! This
kind of
stuff is why I love to DX medium wave.
They were heard on a Drake R8 and Kiwa loop.
My most interesting DX was ~ 400 mile ground wave. I was living in Astoria,
OR, and was able to listen to (then) KFXD 580 in Boise on my car radio all
day long, all winter long.
Interestingly, this works both ways: On a visit to Lewiston, ID, I could
hear several Portland stations, this on a GE Superadio II, during the day in
the winter. These were (then) KGW 620, KWJJ 1080 and KEX 1190. On a day with
a heavy snowfall over the entire northwest, KGW sounded just like a local
station... and it wasn't even in their pattern!
There's a part of town in SW Portland (Raleigh Hills) where, on my little 6
transistor pocket radio, any day, any time of year (daytime only!) I could
listen to 610 out of Kennewick, WA just by nulling KGW by turning the radio
in just the right direction.
Yep... BCBDX really is fun.
Astoria looks like a great location for hearing MW DX from places
across the Pacific like Hawaii, Asia, Australia, etc. Did you ever try