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Old May 4th 04, 03:36 AM
Jim Pennell
Posts: n/a

My experience with Minicircuits is that they have EXTREME sensitivity to
the AFC line. I'd use a resistor divider from the same battery and a
bypass cap.

Something like a pair of 100K resistors and a 10 uF cap. Naturallly,
ground the cap at the oscillator ground pin.


Also, the Vcc has to be well bypassed AT THE OSCILLATOR.

These things are very sensitive to any change in the VCC voltage. A
battery is often not all that low of an impedance and so some good bypassing
will help.

Finally, how are you taking the signal off to your analyzer?

I haven't used the POS-900 but in general, these critters want a paasive
50 ohm attenuator right on their output to avoid signals sneaking back and
screwing up the oscillator.

Jim Pennell