Radio Astronomy
Uzytkownik "tom" napisal w wiadomosci
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On 11/7/2011 12:50 PM, Rob wrote:
Szczepan wrote:
Probably in this paper is also the answer for my question: "And what
the 365 days period (annual effect)?
Unfortunately I am not an expert in radio. Do you know the answer?
Why are you so obsessed by this question?
He's not. He's just obsessed.
He loves to ask questio0ns, get answers, and then tell all of us that any
science newer than 100 or 150 years old is incorrect. Even when the
scientist in question changed his original theory due to newer and better
In each textbook is wrote that we can detect the angular motion of the Earth
but the orbital not.
It will happen. Just wait a bit.
To you know the best evidence (the frequency variation from the spacecraft
in the annual period)?