Measuring transmission line characteristics
Owen Duffy wrote in news:Xns9F98507D98D82nonenowhere@
(I did consider at one stage extending TLLC to allow specification of
mismatch in terms of Gamma, rectangular and polar, but no one ever asked
for it and I thought it not in demand. The complication is that finding
Z from Gamma needs to use the nominal Zo of the test equipment, not the
actual Zo of the lossy transmission line. I usually use a spreadsheet to
perform the calcs, Excel can handle complex numbers using the COMPLEX
and IM* functions either in the Analysis Tookpak in earlier versions, or
built in to the later versions.)
Agilen't AppCad can be a convenient tool for one-off calcs.
Nevertheless, there is value in see the results of measurement as you make
them, it helps to minimise the chance of leaving the task with errored