Hallicrafters General coverage receivers
On Nov 13, 4:53*pm, Michael Black wrote:
On Sun, 13 Nov 2011, Cadiscase wrote:
I am interested in AM broadcast reception and not familiar with
Hallicrafters equipment.
Can someone compare the Hallicrafters General Coverage Receivers from
later 50's up.
How does the Hallicrafters receivers compare with the Hammarlund
[145/180] for clarity/selectivity/audio?
So what changed since October 29th, when you were asking about specific
Hammarlund receivers, like you were about to buy one that week, and
couldn't decide which of the three models offered to you was the one to
"Subject: Hammarlund comprison HQ-145X, 170A, 180A
Can someone compare the above receivers or direct me to a site that does?
I am interested in buying one of these and need to make a decision of
which one does what. I did look up the reviews on eham. It was good but
lacked a bit of comparitive info."
There already was discussion about those three receivers here, yet you
never posted after your initial post, until you start another thread and
acting like you didn't ask the first time (and acting like nobody
responded the first time).
* * Michael
I appreciated the feedback on the Hammarlund that I got with the other
It has a lot of good usefull information.
BEFORE I buy I wanted to check and see what was the thoughts on the
Hallicrafters receivers.
Always best to compare and get info on all considerations before you
make a decision.
The last post was specifically about the Hammarlund. This most is
mostly about the Hallicrafters.
All information and opinions are appreciated.
Hope that clarifies my second post.