Hallicrafters General coverage receivers
On Sun, 13 Nov 2011 12:31:05 -0800, Cadiscase wrote:
I am interested in AM broadcast reception and not familiar with
Hallicrafters equipment.
Can someone compare the Hallicrafters General Coverage Receivers from
later 50's up.
How does the Hallicrafters receivers compare with the Hammarlund
[145/180] for clarity/selectivity/audio?
I have a Hammarlund HQ-145XC, restored. It is an excellent receiver,
dual conversion above 10MC, great for AM Broadcast Band DX. Its crystal
filters give good selectivity and it is very sensitive. Mine has the
optional clock. I know that it was a "general coverage" receiver, but I
like it. If you have the money, then go for an HQ-180, very expensive if