Stub J-pole for six meters
Can anyone direct me to the dimensions to build a six meter J-pole
that is patterned after the Arrow Antenna two meter design that had
the feed point at the bottom of one of the elements rather than at a
point part way up the height of the matching stub.
The reason that I would like to use that design is that I would like
to use Rigid Aluminum Conduit to build the antenna. There not being a
lot of simple inexpensive fittings for Conduit the way there is for
copper pipe a mechanically simpler design would be easier to build.
Replies are welcome on or off list. Let me say that I would rather
not be subjected to any tirades about the inferiority of the J-pole
approach or the superiority of some other antenna design. That does
not mean that I am not open to suggestions for a better approach as
long as it is civilly stated and I am spared the application of Rant
Tom Horne, W3TDH