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Old December 11th 03, 04:03 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Mark Keith wrote:
Cecil Moore wrote in message ...

Mark Keith wrote:
Bravo. Pretty much sums it all up in a nutshell. No one has shown an
example of gross modeling error to date.

What is the matter with the one I posted last week with phase-
reversing coils as described by Kraus on page 824 of _Antennas_
for-all_Applications_, third edition? If you missed it, look at

What example? I look at the page, and all I see is a current
distribution model for an antenna using stubs.

The example is four 1/2WL phased sections with "PHASE-REVERSING"
coils. The current is flowing into both ends of the coils at the
same time. Please show me an EZNEC model that allows current to
flow into both ends of the coil at the same time. You can model
that antenna using stubs but you cannot model that antenna using
lumped inductance. This is an example of an antenna that EZNEC
models with a "gross modeling error". With EZNEC, the current
never reverses phase as it must for that antenna to work properly.
73, Cecil

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