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Old May 24th 04, 09:07 PM
Henry Kolesnik
Posts: n/a

When the radios were new you could by matching factory speakers for about
ten to twenty dollars and most hams being frugal used what they had on hand.
Now that many of those same radios are "collectable" there are as many
speakers around as people want. Supply low price is high, just like crude
oil. I saw the speakers as I was there .
"Doug McLaren" wrote in message
So I went to the Belton, TX hamfest yesterday, and picked up a few
things ...

But I saw a number of speaker boxes that people were asking as much as
$70 for ... why would somebody pay this much for a speaker box? I
just don't get it.

It's just a box with a speaker in it. It's about the easiest thing in
the world to make yourself, or you could pick up one that was used in
something like a police car for around $10 (I saw some of those too.)
Or you could use one from a computer speaker (though the $3 models are
probably too crappy even for ham radio use.)

Do people want something that matches their radio equipment? Are they
collectors? Am I understimating the quality needed to accurately
reproduce a 800 hz CW signal or a SSB conversation?

Doug McLaren, "I must get up. There is much evil to
