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  #7   Report Post  
Old May 24th 04, 03:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Rob, you may have answered your say the tubes are HALF
as bright..and the plate voltage is HALF of what its supposed to be?
Does it normally run on 220-240 volts? I suspect a half side open or
damaged pole pig transformer. The amplifier might be fine.....

Thanks for the post. I am using 240 vots to power the amp. (Any self
respecting ham would!)

Yes, I think the transformer may be gone. Like most BIG heavy transformers
for HF amps, it will likely be costly to replace the transformer. But I may
give it a go.

Ca you explain what you mean by a "damaged pole pig transformer". I have
never heard of the term "pole pig"

But after I replace the transformer, I am worried that I may end damaging
the new transformer if another component has failed or is close to failure.
(e.g. a AC Filter cap or diode).
Is this a realistic fear?
