I have some pictures up of the parts and complete units.
12 different coils, 6 labeled as transformer

6 labeled as transformer:ampl.50-170kc,165-560kc,530-1800kc,1.76-6.0mc,5.8-19.2mc,19-65mc.
Interstage audio transformer,running off the 12at7 audio oscillator.
Variable cap, marked in parts list as 442 pf, measured about 465.
Power transformer,115/230 pri,secondary as
174v 620ma
278v 77ma
24v 1.21a
6.3v 3.2a
6.3v 3.0a
Any and all parts for HP606A signal generators.The 4 on the lower left are solid state (Logimetrics AN/GRM50C 50khz-80mhz)with
nixies, 3 of them work, one has a broken power switch,$40 ea plus ship(a lot lighter than the HP's)
Complete units for $40 plus ship.
"Robert Mozeleski" wrote in message ...
I have many of these HP 606A signal generators being parted out. Also have complete ones for sale but you wouldn't want to pay
shipping on these. 50kc-65mhz. Send me an email if you need meters,knobs,tubes, transformers, whatever. Also have a few
535a scopes being parted out with various plug-ins.