Geloso G.4/214 help
Hi all,
I'm repairing an Geloso G.4/214 receiver of a friend. I first checked almost
all the passive components (resistor, capacitor) for value tollerance and
leakage and replaced the failed ones. Today I powered it up and started to
check for other problems.
The receiver is quite deaf, a -40 dBm signal is barely audible on all bands.
AM and USB work but LSB seems not working.
First of all I wanted to follow the align procedures
as stated on "Bollettino Tecnico n.85". Now I confess I don't work very
often with tube equipments, but the first phase of alignment requires to
inject a signal to the "control grid" of V4 (6BE6, second converter). The
6BE6 datasheet mention a mixer grid (n. 1), screen grids (n.2 and 4) and
mixer grid (n. 3). Looking at the schematic, I can see that as I'd expect,
the screen grids are connected to a fixed voltage, the first grid (mixer) is
connected to the xtal oscillators and this leaves the third grid which is
connected with the output of the first converter (another 6BE6).
Now, what I don't understand is why I should inject a 467 KHz signal in a
place where there should be a signal at the first IF frequency (around
4.6 MHz). I'd like an explanation about this and also any other hint
in checking and aligning this receiver.
By the way, the resistor supplying anodic voltage to V3 (first converter)
was burned and measured only 90 ohm instead of 2.2 kohm as per schematic.
Does this necessarily mean I have a bad 6BE6 on V3?
Thanks in advance and best 73 de
Frank IZ8DWF