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Old May 31st 04, 09:45 PM
Jeff Spidle
Posts: n/a

JD, I don't have a DRM receiver but there is a Radio Netherlands broadcast
in DRM from Bonaire aimed at the U.S. Check out


"-=jd=-" wrote in message
On Mon 31 May 2004 01:17:26p, Volker Tonn
wrote in message :

-=jd=- schrieb:

As for a radio under $400.00, I'm *VERY* pleased with the ICOM PCR1000.
Here's a blurb on it:

It's an external computer controlled receiver, allows you to record
direct to disk, allows software manipulation of the received signal's
audio (EQ, DSP, decoding of digital signals - RTTY, FAX, etc.).

I have one and it's performs nearly equal to the Sony ICF 2010 /2001D.
Not too bad for a a widerange communications receiver.
For shortwave only I would take a look on the RX320 from TenTec when
going on a computer controled blackbox...
It is also DRM ready. Have a look:

I'm not familiar with how the TenTec handles DRM (on-board or software
based) but that is also something to consider, the PCR-1000 does *not*
have DRM facilitation capabilities on-board at the receiver level.
Although I have successfully compiled an open-source software based DRM
decoder that purportedly will decode DRM via the audio stream, I have yet
to snag a DRM broadcast to see how well it works (if it works at at all).
European users have reported decent success with it.

Back when I was looking around, I considered the TenTec, but went with the
PCR-1000 for it's wider frequency coverage. If you aren't interested in
freq's above 30,000 kHz, the TenTec may fit the bill better.

I think the TenTec comes with DSP on-board and it's an optional unit on
the ICOM. I've been getting by just fine with software based DSP.

I guess with either receiver, you will wind up with the received
audio/signal in your PC, at which point there's quite a bit of software
(free and COTS) to allow you to manipulate and/or process that audio
signal just about any way you may want.

If the TenTec had the same frequency coverage, I'd go with it for sure.

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