On 12/24/2011 10:54 AM, Joe from Kokomo wrote:
On 12/24/2011 12:28 PM, Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:
Liberty Net: December 17, 2011
• Why, then, do people have faith in an identical
plan called “Social Security”?
Why do people have faith in Social Security?
Just a guess, but the fact that it has worked pretty well for the last
76 years might have something to do with it.
Actually, there still is no problem with social security. However,
first the funds stolen for minority groups, vietnam evac of the boat
people, to here, the funds "slushed" into the general fund, etc., etc.,
would have to be put back and the IOUs on the stolen monies made good.
In this regards, the crooks in our government, with ties to
rich-elite-corporate America, are much like any bank robber ... they
would like everyone to simply forget about it, write off their thefts,
and go on to poverty and starvation ... it is our job not to let them
get away with it ...
Fact is, social security is what has allowed people to work for cheap
wages and live paycheck-to-paycheck, for many, this is all the
retirement they have, or ever will have -- now that the banksters and
wall street have raped the funds using corrupt and criminal public
servants, they just wish to wash their hands of it.
Hindsight is always much more accurate then foresight. The plans to
reduce the common citizens to 3rd world status is continuing ... if we
can have afforded the trillions to give the wealth banks and
shareholders ungodly sums of money, we can damn well afford to take care
of our fellow American citizens in their old age and illnesses ...
however, as always, the criminally insane would allow them to die in
poverty, on the streets, without a roof over their heads.
Until we weed the sociopaths and psychotics from public servant offices,
the horrors they have planned will simply continue and at an
accelerating rate ... it is time to give them their just rewards.