grundig & eton satelit 700
On Dec 30, 4:23*pm, ko57 wrote:
Can someone explain the differences between these two?
Was the Grundig version made when Eton aquired Grundig, just still badged Grundig?
I've read a couple of informative reviews on the Eton, I think it mentioned maybe the way stations locked in or something about separation?
On Ebay and maybe JR's it seems the Grundig is about $100.00 more. *The Eton sells for around $260. *Is the build quality that different? *I have read that the size of the Eton can be attributed to the Vintage look, that it didn't really need to be the size that it is. *Is the Grundig model heavier or comparable build quality?
Any answers to this are welcome and appreciated, thank you.
Best regards
The last real Grundig Satellit 700 was made in Portugal from around
1992 to 1995 . The current model 'Grundig' 750 aka as Eton is
actually a Tecsun HAM-2000 from PRC .