Vacuum tubes
On Mon, 2 Jan 2012 00:24:30 EST, John Higdon wrote:
Varian still sells them - their plant was in Utah the last time I
looked. These are "jugs" the size of wastebaskets with prices to
match. There are two tube rebuilders in California who serve the
broadcast transmitters world-wide as well. I also suspect that
klystrons, TWTs, and magnetrons are in that mix, but 6SN7-s are not.
Everything I tend now is solid state except for four transmitters that
use one each of Eimac 8990 for output. Econco (in Woodland, last I
check) still rebuilds those.
The two rebuilders to whom I was referring were of course Econco and
Svetlana. Econco, Eimac, and Varian's former vacuum tube business are
now all part of Communication & Power Industries of Palo Alto.
Phil Kane
Beaverton, OR