I learned something the other night.
My job is going to be harder then what I thought - to educate all the LIDS out there. A friend of mine who is the founder of a local club, and the club President, has been trying to reform the local clubs to get them more active in Amateur Radio Activities and get them away from being Doughnut clubs.
Clubs that just eats doughnuts and drinks coffee.
Well my friend is not as well versed in actual conversations on amateur radio and prefers DX more then actual chats.
I have been working on trying to make him a little more social able and was trying to show him the other side of amateur radio,.
Where you hear a person calling CQ and answer them and have a good chat.
Every time we found a signal he might be interested in - he would automatically press the antenna tuner and tune right up over the other persons QSO. I wouldn't say I scolded him, but I advised him that doing that was not conducive with being a good ham.
Needless to say, he never realized that what he has been doing for years with his ICOM 7000 was the same thing that he had been complaining about for years. Not being a considerate ham.
A considerate ham - moves off the frequency being used and tunes up and then comes back. There is no reason someone can't move 5 kc's off the frequency to tune up - except for the fact that they are either lazy or so functionally illiterate that their radios and antenna's are so junky that they don't know how to tune up properly or they are afraid that they will loose the signal in the process of tuning up or that 5 kc's is going to make a big difference when it comes to tuning their radio to the antenna.
I saw that only 4 people looked at my post.
Hopefully more will come and make their comment.
73's and 88's.