Thread: L.i.d.
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Old January 8th 12, 09:06 PM
k4kqz k4kqz is offline
Junior Member
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: May 2011
Posts: 8

I'll jump in. In my opinion some of the most inconsiderate OPs are RTTY contesters. They seem to routinely swamp JT65 and PSK bands during their contests with no regard to who's already operating there. I've seen them in many cases just come right in and and start transmitting over anyone in their way. There are band plans that considerate OPs adhere to and the 20m band plan, for example, allocates a fair amount to RTTY outside of JT65 and PSK frequencies. I don't understand why there are so many RTTY OPs who don't stick to the band plans and totally disregard common courtesy. Maybe I'm missing something here(?)

I'm sure there are contrary opinions on this but this my opinion (which I'm entitled to) and I'm sticking to it. :-)



I saw that only 4 people looked at my post.
Hopefully more will come and make their comment.
73's and 88's.[/quote]