Originally Posted by Dave Branch
I need an operator who can attempt contact to a vessel for me in the East China Sea off of Shanghai. The ships Inmarsat-C station is down and we have to get an urgent message through.
Anyone up to the challenge? I am not sure if it can be done, but post suggestions or PM me if you want to try and can lend a hand.
Dave Branch
The only way you could do it would be to set up a schedule between the ship and the person state side and someone in the middle and do it somewhere between the middle of the day and right before the sun goes down.
First station talking as far west as they can go and then the next station picking it up, maybe doing some type of relay to the third station.
Even then the ship needs to have a licensed amateur radio operator on board to get the message and send the message back - since amateurs are not allowed to broadcast.
Second option would have been to use the Maritime Mobile net 14.300 usb and give your radiogram to the net control station to be relayed west to the ship you wish to contact.
Sorry we were so late in responding to your request.