radio pirates 6925,USB , 6030.1 LSB , 6050 AM, later USB all inMHZ
On Mon, 16 Jan 2012 00:55:54 +0000, Ken Isham wrote:
0000 to ? 1-16-2012 UTC
At midnight UTC the we're pirate stations on 6025, 6030.1, and 6050
I am currently listening to 6030.1 LSB the host DJ calls himself the
Col. Out of a basement in NJ.
A very funny parody commercial for Helle Keller hip hop record by Death
Jam records.
The radio is a RF Spaces SDR-IQ with a random Wire antenna. The
computer is a HP slate with SDR 1.4 software, as always windows 7 uses
to much processor power not very tablet freindly.
These radio pirates are using C Band microwaves?