In message , Harry Brown
I'd like to try building a loaded Yagi. I came across plans for a 20
meter mini Yagi while Googling, but I want something for 15 meters.
Are there any simple, free calculators available? Also, can anyone
tell me a ballpark figure how a 15 meter shortened (by 40%) 3 element
Yagi would compare to a full sized one? How about if I added an
additional element for 4 loaded elements instead of 3?
MMANA has a 3 element loaded yagi as an example.
Http:// and it's free
Short Yagi W1FBY & WA1LNQ
It's got a gain of about 4.7dB
I dare say 4NEC2 will model it as well.
Brian GM4DIJ
Brian Howie