cops say illegal 2 havee ham radioo repeaters programmed in ur ham radio
On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 13:38:57 -0900, you wrote:
In article
radioguy wrote:
ny cops say its illegal to have these ham radio repater frequencies
programmed into your ham radio mobile since they are frequencies
assigned to the police by the fcc and if the ny police find your radio
can transmit on these frequencies youre in deep doodoo for posessing
a radio which can illegally transmit on the police frequencies of
421.2500 mhz & 426.2500 mz. 421.2500mhz tompk ara cortland ny &
arast Corning, ny 426.2500 mhz scarc Pittsburgh Pa among others.
You are so screwed up, when it comes to US Radio Law, you wouldn't know
the REAL FACTS, if they bit you in the Arse....
First Off: What Cops, are saying WHAT, about which Frequencies?
Be VERY specific....
Second Off: It would be VERY hard to a local prosecutor to try
such a case, even in a local Court, KNOWING that
it would likely be overturned in the first Federal
Court where the case landed.
Third Off: Local Cops, and even State Cops, do not have jurisdiction
in the enforcement of FEDERAL Laws, and should they try,
the local Federal Marshal would slap them down in a
nanosecond. That is HIS Job.
Fourth Off: Cops can, and do, say a lot of stuff, about which they have
NO CLUE, just like YOU do. Just because some local IDIOT
LEO says something, does NOT make it True, or in fact
Legally, the LAW. I have testified in MANY Courts of Law
on just these kinds of issues, and mostly the local LEO
has it WRONG, and the IDIOT Prosecutor, gets his hands
slapped by the local Judge, once the correct FEDERAL
Statutes, are introduced into Evidence, if it ever
actually gets that far, in the first place.....
I mean REALLY... Duh....
Just Say'en...... YMMV.....
first off, radioguy is a frickin ignorant asswipe,
second off, local cops enforce federal law every day of the year.
e.g., a convicted felon is found with a gun. that's a federal law.
when sworn in they take oaths to "uphold the laws of the United States and
the US Constitution....".
US marshalls rarely deal with cops who enforce the law.
Read the constitution. You will find that sheriffs are the law.
It's only when you have assholes like Eric Holder running the country do
you hear them whining about local cops enforcing federal law.