Disappointed in CB Repair shops!
It's really depressing to read the comments by so called expert CB shops who
give advice on CB setups without so much as even asking the first question.
A person sees a CB on youtube that they like, and ask what antennae they
recommend, and gosh darn it, without knowing anything about how they plan on
using the CB, the radio shop instantly knows
the brand and type of antennae that would be best for their needs. I mean,
who cares if they planned on installing the CB in a car, truck, boat, house,
etc. Because according to
some of these so called experts, their whip antennae's will be perfect for
the average house, truck, car, boat, rv, 18-wheeler, or anything else you
put the CB in. Otherwise, the
shop would have been smart enough to ask this FIRST! But all their
interested in is looking like they know what they're talking about so they
can say "Hey we have the CB here, and if you buy it from us then gosh darn
it, we can tweak it out and tune it, and put any upgrades on it that you
want and then send it to you...." Sure, that sounds great, but if they're
not competent enough to know that no single antennae will work for every
job, how am I to believe they know what they're doing with the CB when they
claim to be tweaking it? It's been posted on many sites that the first
thing to do is check the output wattage before you let them tweak the radio,
then check it with the same meter once you get it back from them, so you can
tell if they did what they claim to have done. It's also recommended not
using their meter, as they might have modified it to look like it works
better.... Also it's recommended to ask them what they plan on doing to the
radio. A lot of shops simply download the information others have done and
solder a few mods in as the instructions tell them to, without the least bit
of understanding what they're doing. Not to mention, some modifications may
Sound like your outputting better on your end, but when you test the output
on a meter, and listen to the quality on another radio, you'll find out that
not all "mods" are worth doing! To the CB shops out there trying to get
rich quick off the new CB purchaser, shame on you! You shouldn't even call
yourself a CB shop! It should be mandated that all CB shops belong to a CB
group, and provide a list of members for customers to check on the knowledge
and quality of the CB shop's work. Reputable CB shops have nothing to hide,
as their work is the proof of their knowledge. Rip Off Artist would be
worried as they don't usually aim for repeat customers!