Wouxun KG-UV3D 2m/440 HT
Alan WA4SCA wrote:
They are very popular, especially based on price. However, they
normally do NOT meet specs, though they are sold with the claim that
they do. Often the 2nd harmonic of 2 meters is 10 db or more above
spec. QST found this in a test of one of the many versions.
That wasn't the Woxoun, that was the Baofeng which is a very different
radio made by a very different company.
Even then it was taken out of context.
The Baofeng UV-3R is wide band radio (76-512 mHz) with firmware and
filtering to limit it to reception on the FM broadcast band and reception
and transmission from 136-174 and 400-470 mHz. You can stretch the bands
with software, but the results are not always worth it.
The original radio was shipped as a two band radio with VHF and UHF antennas.
Without an antenna there is a spur at 2x the 2m band, 300mHz. With a 2m
resonant antenna such as the one supplied with the radio or the UHF one,
there is no resonance at 300mHz, and the spur is suppressed.
The problem was noticable if you used a wide band antenna, such as a discone.
The later production units had additional filtering added to prevent this.
That model is no longer made having been replaced with the UV-3R Mark II
and the UV-3R+ (plus) both of which have the filtering.
In either case, buying a Woxoun or a Baofeng, you don't have to worry.
Geoffrey S. Mendelson, N3OWJ/4X1GM
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