Mitchell B-25 military shortwave receiver?
Ernie wrote:
Am looking to identify for a friend a military shortwave receiver that was
purportedly used in the Mitchell (B-25 bomber?)--apparently it was general
coverage including the standard broadcast band and about the size of the
1940s-era shortwave receivers from Hallicrafters, Hammarlund etc. Evidently
it was only a receiver and not a transceiver.
Thank you.
BC-348 liason receiver. B-25 also had an SCR-274N command set rack (the
Army version of the ARC-5), but your description sounds like a BC-348.
They had the BC-348 in most of the larger bombers, and lots of them got
sold to ham radio operators after the war. The IF is as broad as a barn
and the stability is poor. They were intended for use with a dynamotor
set to provide DC power so an external DC supply had to be built for them
for home use.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."