This station carries the Enigma 2000 numbers station identifier of M08a out
of Cuba. The 0600 UTC, 5800 kHz transmission is a secondary, or repeat time
slot. It should be active on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday mornings (UTC). These will all most likely be repeats of the 0500
UTC, 5898 kHz, transmissions the same days.
Further details, including a recent prediction chart of transmission times,
days, and frequencies, can be found at both and .
Both sites have separate newsletters, look for the current newsletter on
each site ( and ).
Both sites also contain descriptions and recordings of various numbers
station transmissions. Specifically look for the "Enigma Control List", I
think Number 25 is the most current.
"David Quest" wrote in message
Several nights a week between approximately 0600-0630 GMT. A strong
station broadcasting 5 litter code groups in Morse code.