G4/214 Geloso problems
Hi all, I'm repairing an old Geloso G4/214 receiver.
I checked and subsituted (only the ones checking bad) capacitors, resistors
and solid state diodes.
All tubes have been tested with an emission tube tester.
Potentiometers and switches have been cleaned.
The set appears to have been tweaked by someone else so the repair doesn't
seem easy at a first glance.
However here're the symptoms, I think they are unrelated but I can't be very
sure anyway.
1) no reception on any band, there's not the slightest crack or change of
background noise even when touching the antenna connectors.
2) USB and LSB positions give a loud AC noise on the speaker but the AM
position gives "normal" background hiss and not the slightest hint of AC
Next step will be injecting a signal on the antenna socket and try to follow
it through the various stages but I ask here anyway if these symptoms ring
the experts a bell maybe.
Thanks in advance and best regards.
Frank IZ8DWF