Szczepan Bialek wrote:
In 1867 Lorenz wrote: " Ludvig Valentin Lorenz, "On the identity of the
vibrations of light with
electrical currents," Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 34, 1867, p. 287-301"
On p. 301 he wrote:
"The present general opinion regards light as consisting of backward and
forward motions of particles of aether."
He was wrong on several counts.
He also died well before Einstein and others came along and got it right.
That's the problem with obsessing over stuff that was written 150 years
ago, a lot of it was found to be wrong.
Lorenz was wrong about the composition of light.
Marconi was wrong about antennas having to be grounded to work.
In today's words: "Light is the oscillatory flow of electrons".
Nope, in todays words light is electromagnetic radiation that is visible
to the human eye.
Light and radio waves are the same.
This is one of the very few true statements you have ever made.
Are the radio waves the oscillatory flow of electrons?
The phrase "oscillatory flow of electrons" is gibberish.