"John S" wrote in message
On 4/19/2012 2:43 PM, Ian wrote:
"John wrote in message
On 4/19/2012 2:07 PM, Ian wrote:
"John wrote in message
On 4/19/2012 12:47 PM, wrote:
Marconi was wrong about antennas having to be grounded to work.
I think that's a good thing. We wouldn't get signals from satellites
Actually, that begs the question "which planet is the real ground"?
Reckon we could hang a dipole all the way from the earth to the moon?
What gain would it have and what frequency would it resonate on, I
Well, lessee... gain would be the same as any dipole, i.e. about 1.76dBi
not considering resistive losses because you did not specify a conductor
size. Resonant frequency would be ~.372 Hz. This does not include the
"capacitive hats" of the earth and moon.
73, Ian.
Where would "ground" be?
John, "ground" is so "last century" along with "dial-up" and "Cathode Ray
Tube in my television".
Forget "ground". Say "planet" instead. Is that better?
73, Ian.
I did already. But, *which* planet?
Oh - sorry about missing that, John.
How about going for any two planets which form a straight line? This is
surely better than relying on just one planet which might develop an
eccentric orbit (which we could name the "S****pan orbit").
Besides which, someone, sometime in the future, might want to hang a long
wire between the planets (but how much would the feeder cost).
Okay - if you prefer only on planet then I suggest Saturn (let's talk halo
aerials) or Jupiter with its jolly red spot (well, you try getting a tube of
cream THAT big).
I suppose the best evidence of using ground / planet is moonbounce - uses
the ground / planet without an aerial at that end of the path.
73, Ian.