Looking For Ideas & Recommendations
Sal and Jeff, (and Mark)
Thanks for your thoughts and input on my intended
Jeff -- I did mean contrast -- my darned keyboard is
getting old and confused, just like me!
I just want something quick and cheap so I've ruled out
anything like copper clad steel and such. In my years of
antenna experimentation, I would set up the system, test
it, and even though it worked well, could not resist the
temptation to 'fix' it by tearing it down and setting up a
new and supposedly improved MKII version. I never
got much more gain or efficiency, but still had fun.
Just to clear things up on the geometry, the wire will run
out the window horizontally to the tree (about 25 ft) and
then drop vertically (another 25 ft approx) through the
tree to just above the
ground. Sort of an inverted letter "L". It is just a
random wire, and the best I can do at the moment
given my current situation.
The hole through the window frame is too small (1/4 in.)
for conduit but I plan to use a heavy plastic kids drinking
straw, tilted down on the outside, and plugged with some
silicon seal at each end where the wire enters and exits.
That reminds me of a friend who drilled horizontally through
his foundation and drove an 8 foot ground rod through it.
The first rainfall seemed to find it an ideal means of
draining the back yard into his basement and he ended
up with about 4 inches of water in his basement!
Jeff -- thanks for the tip on testing the glass. I can't see
any markings on it, but the test is quick and simple and
will soon let me know if I want to follow up with antennas
inside the window. I may even try loading the window
frame (aluminum, 5 ft x 5 ft (approx)) using a handy
sheet metal screw for the connection.
Sal -- I've built a number of monoband sleeve dipoles by
simply sliding back the braid on the coax. They were always
great performers, but in this case I think they might be
too obvious -- stealth is the primary concern here.
A reminder -- the ground system will be tuned counterpoise
wires running along the wall inside my apartment. I have an
MFJ-1623 tuner which will handle tuning the antenna and
the counterpoise in a very nice compact arrangement with
only one meter to watch!
Mark, NM5K has already calmed my concerns re corona and
a reenactment of the burning bush bit, however I will
cover the last few inches of the dangling portion with
some heat shrink tubing, A small loop in the end will
allow me to fasten the end with a plastic cable tie.
I'm really having fun with the planning stage -- with all
this taken care of beforehand I will hopefully be up and
on the air tomorrow. Only one factor can hold me back,
and that is that the sale of my condo concludes tomorrow,
and at the same time we have a very much contested
Provincial election -- the equivalent of your state
elections. In between I hope to gather the
necessary materials and get operational.
Thanks again guys for your trouble and assistance.
It's all food for thought and I appreciate it. I'm really
having fun and don't even have any wire out the window yet!